Sunday, February 24, 2008

All You Need Is Love...

I think The Beatles got it right when they penned this bit of philosophical wisdom. This concept, the idea of love, is something that has lately been on my mind. If people lived by the Golden Rule and truly loved, the world would be a different place. I don't mean the superficial, constantly changing love that depends on the occurrence of particular variables. I'm talking about real, deep, genuine love that cannot be shaken. What if we decided to really live out of love? We would radically change the world. If people understood the bigger picture, the idea that we are all one, all brothers and sisters on this planet of ours, I think we could learn to see past our petty differences and selfishness and just love one another. My faith is very important to me, and this is a topic that we have lately been really been pondering and discussing within FCA. We believe that if we as Christians, as children of the one true God, a God of mercy and grace and love, were to live by the example of Jesus, this campus would be revolutionized. This is much easier said than done, however. It is our human nature to look out for ourselves first and foremost and then to consider others if we have time or money or desire. The list of excuses runs long, but if we really want to change the world with the love of Christ, we have to be willing to step out of our comfort zones and start to love people. And I mean we have to love people for who they are, not for what we can get from them or for who we think they can be. We have to love them as they are, right where they are, for who they are. And if this love is genuine, if it is real and steady and deep, we will be reflections of the Savior who we claim to follow. What a better example of faith than to live as the One who first loved us with a pure, unconditional love and love everyone as genuinely as we can? John 15: 12 sums it up when Jesus says, "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." I for one, can't really argue with that. I think I'm going to give love a try.

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