Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ethical Lapses

This article was rather informative and enlightening about the issue of ethical lapses in the business world. The statistics related to these lapses in the workplace were much higher than I expected. I was surprised to discover the number of lapses business people claim to have encountered and the frequency of such lapses in the work world. I agreed with the words of Paul Robert, an associate director of some part of United Technologies Corporation, when he stated his belief that ethical lapses hurt the view and expectations people have of the business world in America. I also agreed with him when he commented that "questionable behavior by one employee can demotivate others, and an accumulation of small incidents detracts from productivity and job satisfaction." This is a very true statement. If employees observe their coworkers practicing bad or inappropriate behavior and getting away with it, they will probably be either frustrated by this and lose their motivation, or see the behavior that they, too, can get away with and lose their motivation. So it seems ethical lapses are an all-around negative situation for businesses that need to be addressed, or we will likely see further deterioration of the integrity of the corporate world.

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