Saturday, April 26, 2008


Future business writers:
This has been a very productive semester in business writing. We have done a lot of work and learned a lot of skills that will be useful once we graduate and go off into the business world. I have enjoyed this class and my project group, and I hope you will have as pleasant an experience as I have had this semester.
To give you some advice, I would like to advise you to stay on top of your work. There are a lot of small assignments that don't take long, but make sure you don't let them pile up or they can become overwhelming. Check the class Web site every week so that you don't miss any assignments and lose easy participation points off your grade. Be sure to choose a project group you enjoy, because that makes the work much more bearable and even fun at times. Come to class and participate and you are sure to succeed in business writing.
Good luck and have a great semester!

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